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Putting a big fat period on something that you’ve been waiting for dearly is not only incredibly difficult, but also truly admirable. It sucks to have been hit with such nonsense but I certainly am glad I got to see you amidst it all. This world is full of selfish, angry folks who got a whole lot more figuring out than you do. (Trust)

I love you. I love all the positive light you bring to this world. Chatting briefly on the beach with G, made me once again realize, how good of a soul he is. I know with the support of your loving partner, your caring family and all of us, your #1 fans, we’ll always be your cheer squad across oceans with a glass of wine in hand. Or maybe in this case, a granita.

Don’t let NOBODY bring you down babygirl! And a big hurray for cleaning out them closets, sometimes maybe a bit literally (lol)!

Enjoy plenty more italian ice the jersey shore has to offer until you depart! Much love my dearest. 💛

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